Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sermon from August 30

As For Me and My House...

Joshua 24: 1 - 15

1. This passage is part of Joshua's farewell speech. He wanted his legacy to be "Hold fast to the Lord your God" (verse 23:8). What is your legacy?
2. Joshua knew the people would be tempted to worship the local gods and marry local pagans.
3. God reminded them that he had saved them from slavery and had gone before them in their victories.
4. We may forget to serve God when we begin to believe that we don't need him and can live our lives without him.
5. God doesn't force us to serve him or love him. The choice is ours, but we will face the consequences of our decisions.
6. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sermon from August 23

Acting On Your Faith

John 4: 46 - 54

1. The royal official was probably an administrator for King Herod. It was an act of total humility for him to beg Jesus for a favor.
2. Jesus wants us to believe in him even when we haven't seen any miraculous signs to make us do so. John 20:29
3. The man proved his faith when he headed back home.
4. The only way we can prove that our faith is real today is by acting on it. James 2:14
5. How have you acted on your faith to prove that you take God at his Word?
6. The royal official's faith grew as he acted upon it.
7. The result was his whole family believed in Jesus.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sermon from August 9

Living in God's Prosperity

Matthew 6: 25 - 34

1. When we worry, we are showing that we don't believe God can take care of us. This is a sin.
2. Jesus says that since God takes care of his creation, he can also take care of us, his children.
3. If God can feed wild birds, who do not properly invest, he can feed you.
4. If God can clothe a wild flower, which doesn't do any work, he can clothe you. Ephesians 4:28, 6:7 (these verses remind us that we should work, but God will take care of us if we become unemployed or underemployed...)
5. God knows what you need. Do you have the faith to believe that?
6. God knows what we want, too. Psalm 37:4 (We know what we think we want, God knows what we really want...)
7. Put God first in your life and He will take care of you.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sermon from August 2

Our Incomprehensible God

Job 38: 1 - 11

1. No one has the right to question God. His creation shows us how far beyond our understanding he is.
2. God is unfathomable, unsearchable, incomprehensible, all powerful, and yet he loves us more than a father loves his children.
3. God not only created the universe, he also sets the boundaries and takes care of his creation.
4. God is sovereign and his will will be done.
5. We cannot fathom what God is purposing for our lives.
6. Job responds by admitting he is unworthy to speak to God and will not question Him again. Job 40: 3 - 5