Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sermon from May 9th

Don't Lose Heart

Luke 18: 1 - 8

1. This is a very rare parable because Luke tells us what it means before he tells it.
2. The temptation is to ask, then give up if God doesn't answer like we want him to immediately.
3. When God delays an answer, he always has a good reason. It might to build your faith or strengthen your character. It may be to show you something better.
4. It takes faith to keep praying for something. When we give up, it shows our lack of faith.
5. The widow's request was for justice, something we need.
6. Jesus turns this around on us and asks if we will still believe in him when he comes back.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sermon from May 2nd

The One and Only True Gospel

Galatians 1: 1 - 24

1. Paul wrote this to combat those who were preaching that faith in Christ was not enough to save us.
2. They were teaching that you also had to follow the Jewish laws in order to be saved.
3. If the Gospel were made up by someone, it would include works as a means of salvation.
4. If I could earn my own salvation, why did Jesus have to die for me?
5. If God has the power to raise Jesus from the dead, he has the power to save me.
6. We know our faith is true because Paul spent time with Peter and with James, the brother of Jesus.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sermon from April 25th

You are Salt and Light

Matthew 5: 13 - 16

1. Christianity is about who we are and, also, what we do.
2. We give the world it's pleasant flavor.
3. If salt is mixed in with other ingredients, it can "leach out" and lose its flavor.
4. The church shines light into a dark world.
5. Don't try to hide your light. Let it shine!
6. This means we share our faith with others, we minister to others, we stand up for truth, and we live righteously.
7. God will get the glory when we are salt and light.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sermon from April 11th


2 Samuel 6: 12 - 23

1. Don't become so dignified that you fail to worship the Lord.
2. David danced with all of his might. When is the last time you let the world see you celebrate your love for God.
3. Worship with respect and order, but don't forget to worship.
4. The opposite of humility is pride.
5. Desperate people forget about pride.
6. It may cost you respect in your home, but you have to decide what is more important to you.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sermon from April 4th

Easter 2010

Matthew 28: 1 - 10

1. The women were simply trying to pay respects to a really good dead guy, the resurrection was beyond their wildest dreams.
2. What God has in store for us is beyond what we can imagine.
3. Facing the supernatural is frightening but joyful when we have accepted Christ.
4. The angel and Jesus both told them not to be afraid. The more we understand the truth about Jesus, the less we will fear and the more we will walk by faith.
5. Their response to the risen Savior was to worship him.
6. Jesus' message to us is always to go tell.
We baptized Kara Stovall to begin the service.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sermon from March 28th

The Triumphal Entry

Luke 19: 28 - 40

1. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey to fulfill a specific prophecy to show that he was the messiah. Zechariah 9:9
2. The colt symbolizes that the King is bringing peace.
3. The Pharisees didn't believe Jesus was the Christ, so they didn't want the people worshiping him.
4. Jesus said if we don't worship him, creation will.
5. God is seeking true worshipers. John 4:23
6. True worshipers acknowledge Jesus as the King. True worshipers acknowledge Jesus as God incarnate. True worshipers acknowledge that Jesus is the way to the Father.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sermon from March 14th

Jesus Prays Alone

Matthew 14: 13 - 25

1. When Jesus received upsetting news, he wanted to spend time alone with God.
2. Jesus prayed to the Father because he had the same separation we do in this body. 2 Corinthians 5: 6 - 9
3. Jesus is God, but he was also a man. John 1:1, Colossians 2:9
4. Jesus also prayed to set an example for us. He rose early and prayed (Mark 1:35) and here he prayed late into the night.
5. So Jesus taught us how to pray (Matthew 6: 9 - 13) and how often to pray.
6. If we want to follow Jesus' example, we will spend large amounts of time in prayer. 1Thessalonians 5:17