Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sermon from November 25

I Can Do All Things

Philippians 4: 8 - 20

1. It does matter what we fill our minds with. The adage is true: garbage in, garbage out.
2. Paul found the secret to being content in every circumstance. Here's the secret: We have fabulous treasure when we have Christ. Philippians 3: 7 - 10
3. We can do all things through Christ. He is the source of our strength.
4. Paul was thankful that the church had helped him with his daily needs. The church was Christ in the skin when it took care of him.
5. Giving to help someone is our way to give a gift to God himself.
6. God will take care of our needs. He owns everything and loves us like precious children.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sermon from November 18

Rejoice and Be Thankful

Philippians 4: 1 - 9

1. Arguing with each other can keep us from being the effective church God has called us to be. When two oxen are under the same yoke, they must pull in the same direction. Matthew 11: 28 - 30
2. To rejoice means to be full of joy and let everyone know it.
3. We receive joy from working together in God's Kingdom. We rejoice because we realize how good God is to us.
4. Instead of worrying in doubt, we should rest in the peace of God, knowing he loves us and has everything under his control.
5. When we pray, it should stop us from worrying, God will give us peace.
6. It is good for us to remember to thank God for taking care of us.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sermon from November 11

Pray and Don't Give Up

Luke 18: 1 - 8

1. The only reason we would keep asking God is if we believed he was going to answer.
2. In other words, not giving up proves we have faith.
3. When we continue to ask God to answer prayer, we are continuing to depend on him and not taking matters into our own hands.
4. When we feel our prayers are not being answered we should add fasting to our prayers.
5. This humbles us before God and shows him that we are serious.
6. Hunger pains remind us to pray and allow us to sacrifice, identifying with Christ.