Monday, May 26, 2008

Sermon from May 25

Memorial Day 2008

John 15: 1 - 17

1. Jesus set the standard for true love. The greatest love you can show someone is to die for him.
2. Some people are martyred for the faith -- or their country. Some people are living sacrifices, who devote their lives to obeying God and loving one another.
3. The secret to loving each other is staying connected to the vine.
4. We do this by constant praying, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers.
5. When we obey God we will live productive, purposeful lives.
6. This doesn't mean we will suffer no trials. In fact, God prunes those who are productive.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sermon from May 18

Jesus Calms a Storm

Luke 8: 22 - 25

1. This is another example that Jesus is Lord of all things, including nature.
2. He warned us that natural disasters would happen. They stand as a warning that we better be ready. Luke 21:10, 11; Luke 13: 4, 5
3. Our faith isn't just about soothing our feelings; our God can actually make the impossible happen.
4. The text says the disciples were in danger, but Jesus kept sleeping. He knew the outcome. Our outcome is heaven, no matter what happens. Luke 12:4
5. This doesn't mean we shouldn't take care of ourselves. Our bodies were purchased and don't belong to us. 1 Corinthians 6: 19, 20
6. Sometimes Jesus chooses to calm the storm; sometimes he calms the child instead. Acts 27: 23 - 26

Monday, May 12, 2008

Sermon from May 11

Pentecost 2008

Acts 2: 14 - 24

1. Peter had been an unstable leader of the disciples. Now he is confident and preaches the sermon that sets Christianity in motion.

2. His sermon uses scripture to show that Jesus is the Christ. He doesn't tell cute stories, he explains hat the Bible shows that salvation is available to everyone. Joel 2:32, Romans 10:13

3. This sermon and every sermon should remind us that Jesus died and rose from the dead.

4. Peter explains that God's Spirit is available to everyone; men and women, Jew and Gentile, slave or free.

5. Mothers, the best gift you can give your children is to love God with all of your heart, soul and mind.

6. We do not have to believe in God without seeing a miracle. (I believe the Bible itself is a miracle and so is all of creation. Paul alludes to this in Romans 1:19. Einstein says we can look at life one of two ways: that nothing is a miracle or that everything is...)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Sermon from May 4

So That You May Know

1 John 5: 1 - 13

1. To believe n Jesus doesn't mean have head knowledge, it means we place our trust in him for life and salvation. James 2:19

2. I prove that I love God by the way I treat you. And I prove that I love God by obeying him. John 14:15

3. By the Spirit's help we can obey God because of the great power we have within us. And that great power is enabled by our faith.

4. Jesus not only came to earth in the flesh, he completed the new covenant by shedding his blood. The life, death and resurrection of Jesus proves that he is the way to the father.

5. When we place our trust in Jesus, we immediately possess eternal life. John 3:16

6. John's purpose for writing this letter is to assure us that we possess eternal life.