Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sermon from December 20

Advent Week Four -- Love

Luke 2: 21 - 40

1. The first way we show our children love is by dedicating them to God.
2. Mary and Joseph took Jesus to church at every opportunity.
3. They didn’t send Jesus to church, they took him. The last story we have about Joseph is a family visit to the temple.
4. Mary and Joseph understood that Jesus was a gift from God and belonged to Him.
5. Simeon and Anna shared in the life of Jesus because they spent time in church, were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they fasted and prayed.
6. Anna and Simeon prove that we can be a blessing to others and to God all the days of our lives. God uses people of every age and every social status.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sermon from December 14

Advent Week Three -- Joy

Luke 2: 1 - 20
1. Joy came to Mary after the pains of childbirth.
2. Often, the pain we feel today is preparing us for blessings tomorrow.
3. Joy came to Joseph after he showed tremendous faith.
4. It is impossible to receive God’s full blessings if we do not trust and obey Him.
5. Joy came to the shepherds after they were terribly afraid.
6. We are often frightened when God intervenes in our lives. But the message today is “Do not be afraid, for I bring you good news of great joy.”
7. Joy came to the town of Bethlehem only because the shepherds shared the good news.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sermon from December 7

Advent Week Two -- Peace

Isaiah 53: 1 - 12

1. The peace that Jesus offers is peace with God.
2. The price for that peace was Jesus’ suffering and death.
3. Someone has to pay for our sins. We can pay for it by spending eternity in hell, or we can accept the payment that the Messiah paid in our behalf. Romans 6:23
4. This passage explains why the Messiah would not be an earthly king or military ruler during his first visit to earth. Instead he was to be a suffering servant.
5. His descendants are citizens of His Heavenly Kingdom now; one day he will be Lord and King over an everlasting government on earth.