Faith and Action
James 2: 14 - 26
James 2: 14 - 26
1. A true faith will conform our hearts to be more like Christ’s, transform our minds to God’s thoughts, and form our actions into obedience to God.
2. Faith is not just a mental assent. It is more than knowledge. If your faith doesn’t cause you to cry out to God for salvation, you cannot be saved. (vs. 19)
3. Actions cannot save anyone, but actions prove your faith is real. It is the faith that saves you and that justifies you. Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 3:28
4. Romans 4:3 and Genesis 15:6 say Abraham was credited as righteous because of his belief. James’ point is that Abraham’s actions proved that he had faith.
5. Do your actions prove that you have faith?