Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sermon from February 22

Judgment and Time Belong to God

James 4: 11 - 17

1. The law tells us to love one another. (Leviticus 19:18, Matthew 22: 37 - 40)
2. So if we put each other down or lie about each other, we are acting as though we are above God's law. If someone is above God's law, then he is above God Himself.
3. Jesus said not to judge each other (Matthew 7:1 - 5)
4. We tell a brother who is acting sinful (5:19-20, 1 Corinthians 6: 2 - 5, Galatians 6: 1, 2), but the judgment belongs to God, not us. Jude 22 - 23
5. Do you build others up or tear them down?
6. The problem is not making plans, the problem is leaving God out of your plans.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sermon from February 15

Living at Peace with God and Man

James 4: 1 - 10

1. It is never good to hurt each other to get what we want.
2. Paul said he would give up his rights for the sake of another person. 1 Corinthians 8:13
3. To get what we desire, we should pray correctly.
4. First, we tell God what we want.
5. Then we ask for things with the right motives.
6. When we submit to God, we leave the results to him. We believe God knows what is best for us and we are not wiser than Him.
7. When we humble ourselves to God, He will lift us up.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sermon from February 8

Living in Godly Wisdom

James 3: 13 - 18

1. The goal of every Christian should be to grow in wisdom.
2. Not worldly wisdom, but Godly wisdom.
3. The world's wisdom is self-seeking. The person is envious of others who are successful. He is involved in evil practices like gossip and lying.
4. The result of worldly wisdom is confusion.
5. God's wisdom results in good deeds, peace among each other, and a harvest of righteousness.
Matthew 5: 5 - 9
6. If you have God's wisdom, you will be humble, approachable, submissive to God's authority, merciful, impartial and not hypocritical.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sermon from February 1

Teaching and the Tongue

James 3: 1 - 12

1. Paul lists teaching as the third most important gift in the church (1 Corinthians 12:28) and said we should eagerly desire the greater gifts (1 Corinthians 12: 31).
2. James says we should only teach if our actions line up with our teaching.
3. He's not saying we have to be perfect to be teachers, but we should be aware that we are judged more strictly.
4. If we can control what we say, we have reached perfection.
5. If you can control your tongue, you can overcome every other temptation.
6. How can we use the same mouth to praise God and curse people who are made in His image?