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Isaiah 6: 1 - 8
Isaiah 6: 1 - 8
1. King Uzziah was a good king of Israel who died in 740 B.C. The ancients reckoned time by events.
2. The seraphs covered their faces to shield them from God's glory. They covered their feet to show their modesty or humility. Revelation 4: 8 - 11
3. This passage emphasizes God's complete power, glory and holiness.
4. When we see the holiness of God, we realize that we are sinners who are not worthy to be in his presence.
5. The coal came from the altar, reminding us that sins are paid for by sacrifice.
6. It is God who makes us clean and allows us to be used by him.
7. The result of being cleansed by God is that we want to tell others.