Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sermon from July 26

Growing Through Trials
Job 36: 27 - 37: 18

1. Elihu believed that Job was suffering because he had become arrogant and that he would continue to suffer until he repented.
2. Elihu believed that God is always just, always righteous, and too powerful for our minds to understand.
3. How should we handle suffering?
a. It can make us closer to God, or it can drive us away from him. Hebrews 10:22
b. It can make our faith stronger, or it can cause us to reject God. James 1: 2 - 4
c. It can make us more sympathetic to others, or it can cause us to become more selfish. 2 Corinthians 1: 3 - 7
d. We can seek answers from God's Word, or we can seek answers from the world. James 1:5

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sermon from July 19

I Know My Redeemer Lives!

Job 19: 21 - 29

1. Job believes God has struck him with his hand. Actually God protected Job from Satan's request to stretch out his hand against him. Job 1: 11
2. Job wishes his words were recorded forever. That is exactly what happened.
3. Redeemer is the Kinsman-Redeemer we find in Ruth 4: 1. This is a person who protects a family member's rights.
4. Job believes after he dies he will see this mediator who will vindicate him before God.
5. Jesus fulfilled this prophecy. 1 Timothy 2:5
6. The passage ends with a warning: God is a just God and we should not accuse him of wrongdoing.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sermon from July 12

Trust God No Matter What
Job 13: 13 - 14: 2

1. Job says he know he will be able to plead his case before God and explain that he has done nothing wrong.
2. Job says his life is in God's hands and he will trust him no matter what. Habakkuk 3: 17 -19
3. Jesus said the same thing in the garden when he prayed. Luke 22:42
4. We must realize that we are God's servants and He is in charge.
5. But we are also his children and he always wants what is best for us. 1 John 3:1
6. It is not always easy to hope in God, but we cannot please him without faith. Hebrews 11:6

Sermon from July 5

Why The Righteous Suffer

Job 4:1 - 21; 5:24 - 30

1. Eliphaz believed Job had been inconsistent with his righteousness and God was punishing him for it.
2. God does punish the wicked, and we reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7), but every time we suffer that does not mean God is punishing us. John 9:3
3. Jesus suffered for the good of mankind. Paul suffered to keep him humble. 2 Corinthians 12:7
4. Don't add guilt to someone's suffering by telling him it's his fault. Don't tell him God told you this.
5. We should allow suffering to draw us closer to God and make us more mature.
6. The Greeks believed in Nemesis, and the Hindus believe in Karma, but the Bible does not teach this.