Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sermon from March 28th

The Triumphal Entry

Luke 19: 28 - 40

1. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey to fulfill a specific prophecy to show that he was the messiah. Zechariah 9:9
2. The colt symbolizes that the King is bringing peace.
3. The Pharisees didn't believe Jesus was the Christ, so they didn't want the people worshiping him.
4. Jesus said if we don't worship him, creation will.
5. God is seeking true worshipers. John 4:23
6. True worshipers acknowledge Jesus as the King. True worshipers acknowledge Jesus as God incarnate. True worshipers acknowledge that Jesus is the way to the Father.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sermon from March 14th

Jesus Prays Alone

Matthew 14: 13 - 25

1. When Jesus received upsetting news, he wanted to spend time alone with God.
2. Jesus prayed to the Father because he had the same separation we do in this body. 2 Corinthians 5: 6 - 9
3. Jesus is God, but he was also a man. John 1:1, Colossians 2:9
4. Jesus also prayed to set an example for us. He rose early and prayed (Mark 1:35) and here he prayed late into the night.
5. So Jesus taught us how to pray (Matthew 6: 9 - 13) and how often to pray.
6. If we want to follow Jesus' example, we will spend large amounts of time in prayer. 1Thessalonians 5:17

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sermon from March 7th

Our Incomprehensible God

Isaiah 40: 12 - 17; 25 - 31

1. Our God is not just a counselor or comforter or friend or even savior; He is the creator of the universe. Isaiah 9:6
2. Our minds cannot comprehend this, so chapters like this help us understand just how powerful he is.
3. Men create gods they can comprehend, but our God is more than we can fathom.
4. We don't understand why God does what he does and allows what he allows, but he knows what he is doing.
5. Now it is up to us to resolve to trust him.
6. When we do, he will give us the strength we need to live the abundant life he promised. John 10:10