Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sermon from May 9th

Don't Lose Heart

Luke 18: 1 - 8

1. This is a very rare parable because Luke tells us what it means before he tells it.
2. The temptation is to ask, then give up if God doesn't answer like we want him to immediately.
3. When God delays an answer, he always has a good reason. It might to build your faith or strengthen your character. It may be to show you something better.
4. It takes faith to keep praying for something. When we give up, it shows our lack of faith.
5. The widow's request was for justice, something we need.
6. Jesus turns this around on us and asks if we will still believe in him when he comes back.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sermon from May 2nd

The One and Only True Gospel

Galatians 1: 1 - 24

1. Paul wrote this to combat those who were preaching that faith in Christ was not enough to save us.
2. They were teaching that you also had to follow the Jewish laws in order to be saved.
3. If the Gospel were made up by someone, it would include works as a means of salvation.
4. If I could earn my own salvation, why did Jesus have to die for me?
5. If God has the power to raise Jesus from the dead, he has the power to save me.
6. We know our faith is true because Paul spent time with Peter and with James, the brother of Jesus.