Albert Einstein was a genius, no doubt about it. His Theory of Relativity seems to have been inspired, and one of my favorite quotes is from him: "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." That's good stuff. But I must disagree with his view of God. He said he believed in Spinoza's God, who reveals himself in the harmony of nature, but does not concern himself with the fate and doings of mankind. How sad if this were true.
Baruch Spinoza was a seventeenth century philosopher who proposed basically that God IS nature. Einstein couldn't help but see God's handiwork in this wonderful universe. He also said he could clearly see that Jesus was a real, living person in the pages of the gospels. But he came up short in his faith and that's a tragedy.
The Bible teaches that God is concerned about every aspect of our lives. He meets us at our point of need and lavishes his love upon us. He hears our prayers, sings over us like a loving parent, and cares about all of our issues, large and small. He disciplines us like a good father and offers each of us the privilege of believing in him and turning that belief into good works.
Einstein was brilliant, but he was only half right: Yes, God reveals himself in the universe, but he also cares about each and every one of us. That may be the biggest miracle of all.
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