God Will Provide a Way for Salvation
1 Peter 3: 17 - 22
1. The story of Noah shows us that God will punish the disobedient. Genesis 6: 6 – 8
2. Remember, God loves us and created us for paradise. But paradise requires holiness and only the perfect may live there. Jude 24
3. This story also shows that God will save those who put their trust in him.
John 6: 28, 29, Hebrews 11: 7
4. God is Holy, but extends his mercy to the righteous, and that comes by placing our faith in him.
5. The water is symbolic of baptism. Noah was saved in the water, we are saved by making a pledge to God. A pledge to accept the gift of salvation because of the resurrection of Christ.
Notes: There was no February 17th sermon because my wife, Jodi, had another seizure on Saturday. She's okay, but we weren't able to go to church.
I'm preaching a series about how and why we lost Paradise and how the Bible teaches we can regain it. This series will conclude on Easter Sunday.
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