God Will Provide a Rest
Exodus 12: 31 - 42
1. One of the most important events in the History of Israel was when God set them free from Slavery.
2. This symbolizes that God will use supernatural means to set us free from slavery to sin. John 8: 34 - 36 (The Israelites were not enslaved because they were sinful, but Jesus says we are a slave to sin if we commit sin...)
3. The enemies of God will face his wrath.
4. There is another warning attached to this story: Almost every adult Israelite died in the desert because of his unbelief. Numbers 14:29
5. There is a desert of testing between when we are set free and when we arrive in paradise. Do not abandon your faith or harden your heart toward God. Hebrews 3: 12 - 15
6. Jesus died to set everyone free, but only those who put their trust in him will enter his rest. Hebrews 3: 16 - 19
One of the points I am making here is that we are not taken directly to heaven (paradise) when we accept Christ and become Christians. We have a life to live here on earth first. I believe true salvation is secure in Christ, but many prove that their trust in Christ is not authentic because they do not stick with it when it gets tough. The testing we go through as Christians is not to make us fail, but to show us and others that our faith is real.
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