1 John 1: 8 - 2: 14
Remember, John is refuting Gnosticism which taught that because the body is evil and we can’t help it, it doesn’t matter how we act.
1. Some people believe that 1 John 1:9 teaches that we must ask for forgiveness for every sin or we will not be forgiven for it.
2. This would mean if we died suddenly, with unforgiven sins in our lives, we would go to hell.
3. There is no way any of us could remember to ask forgiveness for every single sin.
4. In truth, we have an advocate -- a defender -- with the Father. This means Jesus stands beside us and tells the Father that we are no longer guilty. (2:1)
5. The reason we are not guilty is because Jesus is our atoning sacrifice. This means he cleanses us and satisfies God’s anger toward us. (2:2)
6. When Jesus died for our sins, he paid for all of them, past, present and future. Hebrews 10:10, Romans 8:1
7. We know we belong to God if we obey him and walk like Jesus. John 14:15
2. This would mean if we died suddenly, with unforgiven sins in our lives, we would go to hell.
3. There is no way any of us could remember to ask forgiveness for every single sin.
4. In truth, we have an advocate -- a defender -- with the Father. This means Jesus stands beside us and tells the Father that we are no longer guilty. (2:1)
5. The reason we are not guilty is because Jesus is our atoning sacrifice. This means he cleanses us and satisfies God’s anger toward us. (2:2)
6. When Jesus died for our sins, he paid for all of them, past, present and future. Hebrews 10:10, Romans 8:1
7. We know we belong to God if we obey him and walk like Jesus. John 14:15
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