Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sermon from March 29

The Betrayer, the Cowards and the Blind

Luke 22: 47 - 71

1. This story boils down to Jesus saying "If I tell you, you will not believe me, and I asked you, you would not answer."
2. They either forgot or ignored that Jesus had just healed Malchus' ear.
3. How could Judas betray Jesus with a kiss?
4. How could Peter deny that he knew Jesus?
5. How could the disciples run like cowards?
6. How could the Jews not see the truth?
7. Do we betray Jesus with our actions? Do we deny we even know Jesus to those around us? Are we cowards even in the face of the evidence?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sermon from March 22

Persecution and Praying

Luke 22: 31 - 46

1. Jesus warned the disciples that they were about to face persecution to the point of death.
2. He warned Peter that Satan wanted to find and exploit his weaknesses so that Peter would be ineffective as a spiritual leader.
3. We see in this that temporarily falling away does not mean you lose your faith. We all deny Christ at times, but we can return and become powerful leaders in the Kingdom. John 21: 15 - 19
4. Because Jesus was rejected as a liar, the disciples would be persecuted as criminals or crazy.
5. The battle they were facing was spiritual.
6. Kneeling to pray shows that we are humble before God. We tell him what we want, but acknowledge that God's will is always best.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sermon from March 8

Healing and Forgiveness Belong to God

James 5: 13 - 20

1. We should never separate our spiritual life from our physical circumstances. Our faith should permeate all aspects of our existence.
2. We give God credit for blessings and we call on Him to help us in times of need.
3. The anointing with oil represents calling on the Holy Spirit for healing. Mark 6:13
4. We must pray believing and earnestly for our prayers to be answered. James 1:7; James 5:17
5. We pray correctly and leave the results to God.
6. Our spiritual condition is far more important than our physical condition. Matthew 9:2
7. Confessing our sins to one another means we are right with God and man.

(Should we see a doctor? Yes, see Matthew 9: 12, 1 Tim. 5:23)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sermon from March 1

True Wealth and Blessing Belong to God

James 5: 1 - 12

1. Wealth and success on earth are only temporary.
2. Jesus said to store up treasures in heaven, where it is safe and lasts forever. Matthew 6:19 - 21
3. People will answer to God for getting rich at someone else's expense.
4. Some rich people have even condemned innocent people to death for their own luxury or convenience.
5. Be patient until the Lord blesses you as a reward for trusting in Him. Isaiah 40:31
6. Stand firm like Job and the prophets of old.
7. As we wait on Jesus' return, we should love one another and honor our word. Matthew 5:34 - 37