Healing and Forgiveness Belong to God
James 5: 13 - 20
James 5: 13 - 20
1. We should never separate our spiritual life from our physical circumstances. Our faith should permeate all aspects of our existence.
2. We give God credit for blessings and we call on Him to help us in times of need.
3. The anointing with oil represents calling on the Holy Spirit for healing. Mark 6:13
4. We must pray believing and earnestly for our prayers to be answered. James 1:7; James 5:17
5. We pray correctly and leave the results to God.
6. Our spiritual condition is far more important than our physical condition. Matthew 9:2
7. Confessing our sins to one another means we are right with God and man.
(Should we see a doctor? Yes, see Matthew 9: 12, 1 Tim. 5:23)
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