Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sermon from April 26

The Road to Emmaus

Luke 24: 13 - 35

1. Jesus could have spent his day talking to the large group of disciples, but he devoted his time to just two disciples walking to a country village.
2. God sent Philip out of a revival in Samaria to the desert to preach to one man. Acts 8: 4 - 40
(God saves us and loves us individually)
3. Their knowledge of Christ was mostly right, but they couldn't see the big picture.
4. We are "slow of heart to believe" if we do not accept that Jesus died and rose again.
5. Jesus may have shown them Genesis 3:15, Psalm 22: 12 - 18, Isaiah 53, Zechariah 12:10, and Malachi 3:1.
6. We see Jesus when we understand the breaking of the bread.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sermon from April 12 - Easter 09

Celebrate the Living Savior!

Luke 24: 1 - 12

1. Why do we look for the living among the dead?
2. Do you pay respects to a great man who died, or do you celebrate a living Savior who is alive and active today?
3. We worry because we do not understand what God is up to. But this story shows that God's plan is always best.
4. By day's end, they had seen and touched Jesus again. Luke 24: 36 - 42
5. We will not find the life we are looking for in philosophy, materialism, wealth, even relationships.
6. We will not find eternal life anywhere other than through trust in the risen Jesus.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sermon from April 5

Pilate, Herod and the Innocent Man

Luke 23: 1 - 25

1. The Jewish leaders did not have to right to execute Jesus. Only Rome had that right. That's why they took Jesus to Pilate. (John 18:31)
2. Two out of the three charges against Jesus were lies.
3. Half-truths are Satan's favorite tool.
4. Pilate knew Jesus was not guilty of a crime worth death.
5. Herod Antipas wanted Jesus to entertain him. The creator of the universe isn't here for our entertainment.
6. Barabbas is a perfect picture of substitute atonement.
7. Pilate gave in to peer pressure, even though he knew it was wrong.