The Road to Emmaus
Luke 24: 13 - 35
Luke 24: 13 - 35
1. Jesus could have spent his day talking to the large group of disciples, but he devoted his time to just two disciples walking to a country village.
2. God sent Philip out of a revival in Samaria to the desert to preach to one man. Acts 8: 4 - 40
(God saves us and loves us individually)
(God saves us and loves us individually)
3. Their knowledge of Christ was mostly right, but they couldn't see the big picture.
4. We are "slow of heart to believe" if we do not accept that Jesus died and rose again.
5. Jesus may have shown them Genesis 3:15, Psalm 22: 12 - 18, Isaiah 53, Zechariah 12:10, and Malachi 3:1.
6. We see Jesus when we understand the breaking of the bread.
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