Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sermon from November 29th

Advent 09 - Week One: Hope

Isaiah 9: 1 - 7

1. Israel's northern territory was humbled by attacks by the Assyrians. But the Messiah would come from that very area.
2. Light brings warmth, blessing, hope and the truth.
3. Messiah would come as a child. He would be one of us and would fully sympathize with what we go through. Hebrews 4:15
4. A Wonderful Counselor is someone who gives us guidance and comfort.
5. Mighty God tells us that the Messiah is God in the flesh and that He is a powerful warrior.
6. An Everlasting Father is one who never lets us down. It describes a King who keeps his people safe for eternity.
7. A Prince of Peace will reign in a just and peaceful Kingdom where we have peace with God and will never be harmed or treated unfairly.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sermon from November 22nd

The Parable of the Great Feast

Luke 14: 15 - 24

1. The best gift we will ever receive is being allowed to enjoy eternal fellowship with God in heaven.
2. Jesus warns that everyone has been invited, but we have to accept his invitation and go to the feast.
3. It was customary to send two invitations. The first announced the event well in advance. The second meant it was time to go to the feast.
4. The first group simply did not have time to go. This represents people who don't see Jesus as the most important thing in their lives.
5. God has plenty of room at his table. He has invited everyone to his banquet. Sinners, poor people, and even Gentiles are invited into God's fellowship.
6. Only those who accept Jesus' invitation will enjoy his wedding feast. Revelation 19: 9

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sermon from November 15th

The Jerusalem Council

Acts 15: 1 - 11

1. This happened 17 years after Jesus' resurrection. Christianity is spreading into Gentile territory. Since Jesus was a Jew, should Gentiles have to follow Jewish rules to be saved?
2. So how did Jesus say a person is saved?
a. He said whoever believes in Him has eternal life. John 3:16
b. He said the work that God requires is to believe. John 6: 28, 29
c. He said to repent and believe. Mark 1: 15
3. Peter said the proof that they had been saved was that they had received the Holy Spirit.
4. No one can follow all of God's Law. We would be in trouble if that was how we were saved.
5. The good news is that we are saved by the grace of Jesus.
6. We must believe to receive God's grace.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sermon from November 8th

The Ten Commandments

8. You Shall Not Steal
9. You Shall Not Give False Testimony...
10. You Shall Not Covet

Exodus 20: 1 - 17

1. We see a progression in God's Laws: They deal with your God, your parents, your life, your family and now your personal property, your reputation, and your heart.
2. God understands the importance of owning and keeping our own possessions. Matthew 6:20
3. Paul said no Christian should be a thief, but should work so he can help others. Ephesians 4:28
4. Giving false testimony is lying to hurt someone.
5. Coveting is a matter of the heart. It means we envy others for what they have. We have already stolen from them in our hearts.
6. Paul said these Commandments can be summed up by the command "Love your neighbor as yourself" Romans 13:6, Leviticus 19:18
7. Jesus did too. Matthew 22:37 - 40

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sermon from November 1st

The Ten Commandments
6. You Shall Not Murder
7. You Shall Not Commit Adultery

Exodus 20: 1 - 14

1. Murder is deliberately taking another person's life.
2. Stopping a beating heart out of anger or convenience is murder.
3. The Bible provides for exceptions for capital punishment and war.
4. Jesus focused on the intent of the law -- we should not be so angry with someone that we want to murder him. Matthew 5: 21 - 22
5. God wants to strengthen and protect the family. The quickest way to destroy a family is committing adultery.
6. The pain of a spouse being unfaithful is one of the worst a person can face.
7. Jesus said not to commit lust in our hearts. Matthew 5: 27 - 28
These Commandments promote the sanctity of Life and Marriage. Life should never be treated as cheap, and neither should our vows.