The Ten Commandments
6. You Shall Not Murder
7. You Shall Not Commit Adultery
Exodus 20: 1 - 14
1. Murder is deliberately taking another person's life.
2. Stopping a beating heart out of anger or convenience is murder.
3. The Bible provides for exceptions for capital punishment and war.
4. Jesus focused on the intent of the law -- we should not be so angry with someone that we want to murder him. Matthew 5: 21 - 22
5. God wants to strengthen and protect the family. The quickest way to destroy a family is committing adultery.
6. The pain of a spouse being unfaithful is one of the worst a person can face.
7. Jesus said not to commit lust in our hearts. Matthew 5: 27 - 28
These Commandments promote the sanctity of Life and Marriage. Life should never be treated as cheap, and neither should our vows.
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