Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sermon from October 26

Gird Up the Loins of Your Mind

1 Peter 1: 13 – 25

1. We should be mentally alert, self-controlled, and focused on Jesus’ will for our lives.
2. Christians are not just God’s children, we are God’s obedient children.
3. To be holy means we are set apart from everyone else.
4. This pleases God, builds the church, and shows the world that we are different.
5. Our salvation is the most expensive gift ever given. It was always God’s plan to redeem us.
6. We have sincere love for each other because we will be together forever. A bond stronger than any other.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sermon from Oct 19

Tested and Purified by Fire

1 Peter 1: 1 - 9

1. God knew that you would be a Christian before you were born. God knows everything you will ever do before it happens. Psalm 139: 16
2. A Christian is obedient to God and made holy by Jesus’ blood.
3. Because of Christ’s sacrifice, we can be born again. We can rest assured that God has a plan for our lives and that He loves us like children.
4. Our inheritance is guaranteed and kept secure by God’s power.
5. Before we receive our inheritance, we are tested by fire. These tests prove to us that our faith is genuine and keep us pure.
6. Our trials also bring glory to God because they make us more like Jesus. Romans 8:29

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sermon from October 12

Or Cross God and Hang Higher than Haman

Esther 4: 12 - 5: 8

1. Esther was in a difficult spot. She was an exile in a foreign land, without parents.
2. God gave her the gift of beauty for a reason. The gifts God blesses us with are for Him, not just us.
3. When she was given the royal position, she might have been concerned with her own safety, but she risked her life to save her people.
4. She didn’t rush in to beg the king. She called for fasting and praying first.
5. Then she carefully orchestrated her request.
6. Because of this terrible ordeal, the Jews received blessings and victory.