Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sermon from May 9th

Don't Lose Heart

Luke 18: 1 - 8

1. This is a very rare parable because Luke tells us what it means before he tells it.
2. The temptation is to ask, then give up if God doesn't answer like we want him to immediately.
3. When God delays an answer, he always has a good reason. It might to build your faith or strengthen your character. It may be to show you something better.
4. It takes faith to keep praying for something. When we give up, it shows our lack of faith.
5. The widow's request was for justice, something we need.
6. Jesus turns this around on us and asks if we will still believe in him when he comes back.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sermon from May 2nd

The One and Only True Gospel

Galatians 1: 1 - 24

1. Paul wrote this to combat those who were preaching that faith in Christ was not enough to save us.
2. They were teaching that you also had to follow the Jewish laws in order to be saved.
3. If the Gospel were made up by someone, it would include works as a means of salvation.
4. If I could earn my own salvation, why did Jesus have to die for me?
5. If God has the power to raise Jesus from the dead, he has the power to save me.
6. We know our faith is true because Paul spent time with Peter and with James, the brother of Jesus.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sermon from April 25th

You are Salt and Light

Matthew 5: 13 - 16

1. Christianity is about who we are and, also, what we do.
2. We give the world it's pleasant flavor.
3. If salt is mixed in with other ingredients, it can "leach out" and lose its flavor.
4. The church shines light into a dark world.
5. Don't try to hide your light. Let it shine!
6. This means we share our faith with others, we minister to others, we stand up for truth, and we live righteously.
7. God will get the glory when we are salt and light.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sermon from April 11th


2 Samuel 6: 12 - 23

1. Don't become so dignified that you fail to worship the Lord.
2. David danced with all of his might. When is the last time you let the world see you celebrate your love for God.
3. Worship with respect and order, but don't forget to worship.
4. The opposite of humility is pride.
5. Desperate people forget about pride.
6. It may cost you respect in your home, but you have to decide what is more important to you.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sermon from April 4th

Easter 2010

Matthew 28: 1 - 10

1. The women were simply trying to pay respects to a really good dead guy, the resurrection was beyond their wildest dreams.
2. What God has in store for us is beyond what we can imagine.
3. Facing the supernatural is frightening but joyful when we have accepted Christ.
4. The angel and Jesus both told them not to be afraid. The more we understand the truth about Jesus, the less we will fear and the more we will walk by faith.
5. Their response to the risen Savior was to worship him.
6. Jesus' message to us is always to go tell.
We baptized Kara Stovall to begin the service.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sermon from March 28th

The Triumphal Entry

Luke 19: 28 - 40

1. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey to fulfill a specific prophecy to show that he was the messiah. Zechariah 9:9
2. The colt symbolizes that the King is bringing peace.
3. The Pharisees didn't believe Jesus was the Christ, so they didn't want the people worshiping him.
4. Jesus said if we don't worship him, creation will.
5. God is seeking true worshipers. John 4:23
6. True worshipers acknowledge Jesus as the King. True worshipers acknowledge Jesus as God incarnate. True worshipers acknowledge that Jesus is the way to the Father.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sermon from March 14th

Jesus Prays Alone

Matthew 14: 13 - 25

1. When Jesus received upsetting news, he wanted to spend time alone with God.
2. Jesus prayed to the Father because he had the same separation we do in this body. 2 Corinthians 5: 6 - 9
3. Jesus is God, but he was also a man. John 1:1, Colossians 2:9
4. Jesus also prayed to set an example for us. He rose early and prayed (Mark 1:35) and here he prayed late into the night.
5. So Jesus taught us how to pray (Matthew 6: 9 - 13) and how often to pray.
6. If we want to follow Jesus' example, we will spend large amounts of time in prayer. 1Thessalonians 5:17

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sermon from March 7th

Our Incomprehensible God

Isaiah 40: 12 - 17; 25 - 31

1. Our God is not just a counselor or comforter or friend or even savior; He is the creator of the universe. Isaiah 9:6
2. Our minds cannot comprehend this, so chapters like this help us understand just how powerful he is.
3. Men create gods they can comprehend, but our God is more than we can fathom.
4. We don't understand why God does what he does and allows what he allows, but he knows what he is doing.
5. Now it is up to us to resolve to trust him.
6. When we do, he will give us the strength we need to live the abundant life he promised. John 10:10

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sermon from February 28th

A Prophet Without Honor

Mark 6: 1 - 6

1. How could Jesus be a prophet of God since we watched him grow up? Isaiah 53:2
2. How could Jesus be a prophet if he's the carpenter we've seen at work?
3. How could Jesus be a prophet of God since we know his mother and his brothers and sisters?
4. The people of Nazareth knew him well, but not well enough.
5. Don't limit Jesus' work in your life because you underestimate who he is. Colossians 1: 15, 16
6. We must never become so familiar with Jesus that we take him for granted or consider him common.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sermon from February 21st

Be a Gold-Medal Christian

1 Corinthians 9: 24 - 27

1. There are many good athletes in the Olympics, but only one wins the gold in an event.
2. Paul is encouraging us to be the very best Christian we can be.
3. A champion has self-discipline.
4. A champion is focused on the prize.
5. A champion never gives up.
6. A champion knows the rules and follows them.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sermon from February 14th

Romance is God's Gift to Us

Song of Songs: Chapter One

1. Sex and romance were invented by God. Romance is a gift from God and must be handled God's way.
2. Love is the most delightful thing we can experience.
3. The bride is dark because she was working class. Love is for all people.
4. The husband cherishes his wife as a thing of beauty. She compliments his looks and personality.
5. A house that God builds is strong and sturdy in a land of tents.
6. Since the church is the bride of Christ, this helps us see how much Jesus loves us. Revelation 19: 7; Ephesians 5: 25 - 33

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sermon from February 7th

Don't Go Back to Egypt!

Numbers 13:26 - 14: 9

1. The Israelites had been freed from slavery, crossed the Red Sea, and walked to the border of the Promised Land. Now, did they believe God could finish what he started?
2. Joshua and Caleb saw milk and honey, the others saw giants and fortified cities.
3. The majority lived by sight and not by faith. 2 Corinthians 5:7.
4. They thought, "Better the devil we know."
5. But God says, "Do not be afraid, I am with you. I will complete the work I began in you." Joshua 1:6; Philippians 1:6
6. God punished those who didn't believe him, but rewarded those who had faith.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sermon from January 31st

We are More than Conquerers, Part II

Romans 8: 28 - 39

1. Everything that happens to us has a purpose - to make us more like Jesus.
2. God's plan is to make us holy and that is often a painful process.
3. When Jesus died for me that proved that God is willing to give me everything necessary for my glorification and salvation.
4. The only one who could condemn you is the very one who is declaring you not guilty.
5. No circumstance can stop Jesus from loving you. You will never ever be separated from Jesus.
6. We may feel God has forgotten us, abandoned us, or is mad at us, but these are impossible.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sermon from January 24th

We are More than Conquerers

Romans 16: 17 - 20

1. We shouldn't listen to people who teach what is contrary to the Scripture. They are on the losing side and will only drag us down.
2. The way we act really does matter - partly because it shows how important our faith is to us.
3. Also, because our obedience to God shows him we love him. John 14:15
4. God has already defeated Satan and we are already victorious. We may get battered, but the final score is already decided.
5. God allows us to stay in this battle because he has a purpose for each of us. Ephesians 2: 10
6. We don't just barely win, we are more than conquerers. Romans 8: 37

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sermon from January 17th

The Widow's Offering

Mark 12: 41 - 44

1. Jesus sat in the temple and watched people put money in the collection vessels.
2. Many rich people put in large amounts of money with much fanfare and noise.
3. The widow put in two coins that were worth just above nothing.
4. Jesus applauded her because her gift was a sacrifice.
5. God looks at our hearts, not our bank accounts.
6. We know our faith is genuine when we are willing to put our money where our mouth is.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sermon from January 10th

Jesus Came to Save Sinners

Mark 2: 13 -17

1. Levi walked away from a job that paid very good money in order to become a follower of Jesus.
2. The next thing he did was invite his worldly friends to come and meet Jesus.
3. God had placed Levi where he was so he could reach his friends and use his skills.
4. Jesus went to Levi's house, even though it hurt his reputation among the religious people.
5. We should be more concerned about what God thinks than what other people think.
6. The church should be a hospital for sinners, not a haven for saints.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sermon from January 3rd

Live by Faith, Not by Sight

2 Corinthians 5: 1 - 10

1. The body we live in is only a tent.
2. We don't move into our permanent home until this tent is destroyed.
3. We experience pain and suffering in this body, but it is only temporary.
4. We already have the Holy Spirit living within us, guaranteeing we will live for eternity in our new bodies.
5. So we obey God even if it doesn't make sense. We trust God even when we don't understand what he is doing.
6. Even though our true home is in heaven, we must answer for our actions in this body.