Monday, May 25, 2009

Sermon from May 24

Here Am I. Send Me!

Isaiah 6: 1 - 8

1. King Uzziah was a good king of Israel who died in 740 B.C. The ancients reckoned time by events.
2. The seraphs covered their faces to shield them from God's glory. They covered their feet to show their modesty or humility. Revelation 4: 8 - 11
3. This passage emphasizes God's complete power, glory and holiness.
4. When we see the holiness of God, we realize that we are sinners who are not worthy to be in his presence.
5. The coal came from the altar, reminding us that sins are paid for by sacrifice.
6. It is God who makes us clean and allows us to be used by him.
7. The result of being cleansed by God is that we want to tell others.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sermon from May 17

Thirty Minutes in Heaven

Revelation 21

1. When we arrive in heaven, we will be back in paradise.
2. In heaven, the perfection that we can barely imagine will be reality. Everything about it will be brand new.
3. No one in heaven will ever harm you. No one who has not accepted Christ will be there.
4. The description of Jerusalem is loaded with symbolism: People will arrive from all directions. It is big enough for everyone. It is built on the foundation of the apostles.
5. The city is beautiful. It's walls have every color. The streets are made of pure gold.
6. There is no temple because God will walk with us and no need for light because God is there.
7. We must accept Christ as Savior to ever get to see it.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sermon from May 10

Our True Family - Mother's Day 09

Matthew 12: 46 - 50

1. God created the family. God's plan for the family will never change. Matthew 19: 4 – 6; Malachi 2:15
2. Parents have the most important job in the world: to teach their children about God in word and deed. Deuteronomy 6: 7, 8
3. We do not neglect our families, even if it's in devotion to God. Matthew 15: 1 – 9
4. But God comes first. If we must choose between God and our families, we choose God. Matthew 10: 34 - 39
5. Our spiritual family is our most important family. It will last forever.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sermon from May 3

God's Plan for Your Life

Psalm 139

1. God knows everything about you. He knows what you are going to say and he knows what you are going to do. Matthew 10:30
2. You cannot hide from God.
3. You are protected by his power and guided by his wisdom.
4. God built you from scratch and numbered your days. He sees all of your life at once.
5. God thinks of you more often than you can count and watches over you when you sleep.
6. God has a purpose for your life: to love him, love others, and build the Kingdom. Matthew 22: 37 - 38. He has a will for your life: to be perfect. Matthew 5:48
7. God's plan for your life is to present you in heaven without fault and with great joy. Jude 24
Psalm 116: 6; Proverbs 19:21; James 4:15