Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sermon from December 20

Advent Week Four -- Love

Luke 2: 21 - 40

1. The first way we show our children love is by dedicating them to God.
2. Mary and Joseph took Jesus to church at every opportunity.
3. They didn’t send Jesus to church, they took him. The last story we have about Joseph is a family visit to the temple.
4. Mary and Joseph understood that Jesus was a gift from God and belonged to Him.
5. Simeon and Anna shared in the life of Jesus because they spent time in church, were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they fasted and prayed.
6. Anna and Simeon prove that we can be a blessing to others and to God all the days of our lives. God uses people of every age and every social status.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sermon from December 14

Advent Week Three -- Joy

Luke 2: 1 - 20
1. Joy came to Mary after the pains of childbirth.
2. Often, the pain we feel today is preparing us for blessings tomorrow.
3. Joy came to Joseph after he showed tremendous faith.
4. It is impossible to receive God’s full blessings if we do not trust and obey Him.
5. Joy came to the shepherds after they were terribly afraid.
6. We are often frightened when God intervenes in our lives. But the message today is “Do not be afraid, for I bring you good news of great joy.”
7. Joy came to the town of Bethlehem only because the shepherds shared the good news.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sermon from December 7

Advent Week Two -- Peace

Isaiah 53: 1 - 12

1. The peace that Jesus offers is peace with God.
2. The price for that peace was Jesus’ suffering and death.
3. Someone has to pay for our sins. We can pay for it by spending eternity in hell, or we can accept the payment that the Messiah paid in our behalf. Romans 6:23
4. This passage explains why the Messiah would not be an earthly king or military ruler during his first visit to earth. Instead he was to be a suffering servant.
5. His descendants are citizens of His Heavenly Kingdom now; one day he will be Lord and King over an everlasting government on earth.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sermon from November 30

Advent Week One -- Hope

Isaiah 9: 1 - 7

1. Life without Christ is comprised of gloom, darkness, humility, death, yoke of burden, oppression, warfare and slavery.
2. Jesus brings light and life into our lives. He uplifts the humble and shatters the rod of oppression that enslaves us.
3. The hope that Jesus brings extends even beyond the grave because the life He gives is everlasting.
4. Jesus didn’t just appear one day, he was born as one of us.
5. He is without peer as a comforter; He is God in the flesh; He will love us as a father forever; He brings the only true peace.
6. We are still waiting for much of this prophecy to be fulfilled.

John 1:9, John 8:12, John 8:36, Revelation 19: 11 - 16, Revelation 21: 3

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sermon from November 23

Contentment in Thanksgiving

Philippians 4: 4 - 13

1. Peace is not the absence of conflict, it is the presence of God.
2. Paul had learned to be content in all circumstances because he realized that having Christ is the secret to everything.
3. God has given us the ability to control our minds. We can deliberately rejoice no matter what. And we can concentrate on good things. 2 Corinthians 10:5
4. When we approach God with confidence and thanksgiving, it opens God’s storehouse of goodness (vs. 19)
5. The more we worry, the more we should pray.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sermon from November 16

Contend for the Faith

Jude 1 - 10

1. It might seem pleasant to drink milk and stay in basic teaching, but we must learn correct doctrine so we can mature in the faith.
2. Gnostics distorted the grace of God by believing their behavior didn’t matter and that Jesus was never flesh and blood.
3. God freed the Israelites, but later destroyed them because of their rebellion of unbelief. God is punishing angels because they followed Satan. God burned Sodom and Gomorrah to the ground because of immorality.
4. Spiritual warfare is not to be taken lightly. We must understand that it is real and we must live by the Spirit to be protected from it.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sermon from November 9

What You Say and What You Do

Luke 6: 43 - 49

1. A tree’s fruit tells you what kind of tree it really is.
2. A man’s attitude reveals what kind of person he really is.
3. Your attitude is shown mostly by what you say.
4. Do your words build others up or tear them down? Ephesians 4:29
5. The real you is shown by what you say and what you do.
6. It does no good to hear Jesus’ words unless you put them into practice.
7. Whether or not you accept Christ, storms will come into your life.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sermon from October 26

Gird Up the Loins of Your Mind

1 Peter 1: 13 – 25

1. We should be mentally alert, self-controlled, and focused on Jesus’ will for our lives.
2. Christians are not just God’s children, we are God’s obedient children.
3. To be holy means we are set apart from everyone else.
4. This pleases God, builds the church, and shows the world that we are different.
5. Our salvation is the most expensive gift ever given. It was always God’s plan to redeem us.
6. We have sincere love for each other because we will be together forever. A bond stronger than any other.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sermon from Oct 19

Tested and Purified by Fire

1 Peter 1: 1 - 9

1. God knew that you would be a Christian before you were born. God knows everything you will ever do before it happens. Psalm 139: 16
2. A Christian is obedient to God and made holy by Jesus’ blood.
3. Because of Christ’s sacrifice, we can be born again. We can rest assured that God has a plan for our lives and that He loves us like children.
4. Our inheritance is guaranteed and kept secure by God’s power.
5. Before we receive our inheritance, we are tested by fire. These tests prove to us that our faith is genuine and keep us pure.
6. Our trials also bring glory to God because they make us more like Jesus. Romans 8:29

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sermon from October 12

Or Cross God and Hang Higher than Haman

Esther 4: 12 - 5: 8

1. Esther was in a difficult spot. She was an exile in a foreign land, without parents.
2. God gave her the gift of beauty for a reason. The gifts God blesses us with are for Him, not just us.
3. When she was given the royal position, she might have been concerned with her own safety, but she risked her life to save her people.
4. She didn’t rush in to beg the king. She called for fasting and praying first.
5. Then she carefully orchestrated her request.
6. Because of this terrible ordeal, the Jews received blessings and victory.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sermon from September 28

The Armor of God, Part 2

Ephesians 6: 10 - 20

1. The day of evil may mean when temptation comes. We are tempted to turn from God, turn to sin, take matters into our own hands, lose faith, or abandon our hope.
2. Our next armor piece is shoes of readiness. Being a witness helps us win over temptation because it strengthens our faith and opens God’s power in our lives.
3. Faith is our shield. Hold it firm.
4. The helmet goes on our heads so that we know we are saved. 1 John 5:13
5. The only offensive weapon is the Word of God. Matthew 4: 1 - 10
6. Paul says to pray 5 times in this passage.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sermon from September 21

The Armor of God

Ephesians 6: 10 - 20

1. We have an enemy. If we don’t believe it or just ignore it, that doesn’t change the fact.
2. The enemy is searching for weaknesses in our defense.
3. His plan is to knock us off our feet.
4. Our enemy is not a person, so our defense must be in the spiritual realm.
5. Satan’s first weapon is lying. We must know the truth and the only way to know it is faith in Christ and studying God’s Word.
6. When we act in an unrighteous way, we are vulnerable to attack.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sermon from September 14

A Desperate Faith

Mark 10: 46 - 52

1. Don't let the noise of the crowd keep you from hearing the voice of God.
2. Don't let cultural standards keep you from coming to Christ or praying to him.
3. Don't let your material possessions come between you and Jesus.
4. Boldly ask God what you need and believe he will give it to you.
5. When God performs a miracle in your life, follow him wherever he goes.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sermon from September 7

A Faith Without Limits

Luke 17: 1 – 10

1. We don't put limits on our good behavior
2. We don't put limits on our forgiveness.
3. We don't put limits on our faith
4. We don't put limits on our service.
5. We don't put limits on our obedience.
6. God doesn't put limits on his love for us.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sermon from August 31

Desperate for God

Luke 8: 40 - 56

1. Jairus was well-respected in his community. He risked his reputation to fall at Jesus’ feet in front of everyone.
2. The woman was forbidden to touch a man in public and could have been whipped for doing so.
3. When was the last time you were desperate for Jesus to intervene in your life?
4. When we are desperate for God, He may just have us right where He wants us.
5. We must get it into our heads that we are created for His pleasure, not the other way around. God is sovereign and this is His world. Colossians 1:16
6. God does not exist to serve us, we exist for His pleasure.
7. We throw our lives on His mercy and wait for his grace to reward our faith.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sermon from August 24

God’s Conditions
2 Chronicles 7: 1 - 3, 11 - 22

1. The temple was a central location for proper sacrifices, worship and prayer.
2. God said he would meet the people there so long as they obeyed his commands and worshipped him alone.
3. The temple is no longer there. Now, Jesus said we worship in “spirit and in truth.” John 4:23
4. God said he would send drought, locusts and plague so we will repent.
5. We must be God’s people; we must acknowledge him before others; we must be humble; we must pray; we must desire to know God; we must repent in action and not just word.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sermon from August 17

Summer Poetry Series

Song of Songs 8: 5 - 7

1. Love is easily the strongest emotion we have.
2. We will make absolute fools of ourselves for love, and we will spend our last penny for it, but we cannot buy it.
3. We will even risk our own lives for love.
4. God created us this way. He set the standard for love and commands us to love each other. John 15:12
5. In summary, love and sex are gifts from God. The only way to fully enjoy them is by following God’s rules.
6. If we feel we are the exception to God’s plan, we will cheat ourselves out of God’s best and bring heartache on ourselves.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sermon from August 10

Summer Poetry Series

Song of Songs 6: 1 - 13

1. Her friends offered to help her find her husband. We need friends who encourage us.
2. She knew he was getting her a gift of flowers. She feels secure that he belongs to her.
3. He praises her for her beauty and says she is unique among women.
4. Now the bad news. He already has 60 wives and 80 concubines. Eventually he will have 700 wives and 300 concubines.
5. This was his downfall. 1 Kings 11: 1 - 6
6. God had specifically said not to do this. Deuteronomy 17: 14 - 17; (Matthew 19: 4-7)
7. If we think God’s laws do not apply to us, we will suffer the consequences. Galatians 6:7

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sermon from July 27

Summer Poetry Series

Song of Songs 5: 1 - 16

1. The chapter begins with the couple enjoying the wonderful garden of paradise that God has provided for them.
2. It is important to have friends who encourage you as a couple. Do your friends understand the importance of a strong, Godly marriage?
3. Often in our dreams we act out our deepest fears. This is healthy and a coping mechanism.
4. The watchmen would have considered her a thief or prostitute if she was out at night. This was one of her fears.
5. When describing why she loved her husband, her answers were superficial, based on his appearance. Since this was written by Solomon, this seems to show a flaw in his wisdom.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Sermon from July 20

Summer Poetry Series

Song of Songs 4: 1 - 16

1. Solomon is telling his wife specific things about her that make her beautiful to him.
2. Nothing pleases a person more than being complimented and praises.
3. Because she has stolen his heart he wants to take her to beautiful places to celebrate.
4. For him it was love at first sight. We are wise to wait on God to bring us the right person.
5. It is not just her outward appearance that is attractive, but what she says. Paul says a woman’s beauty should come from her actions. 1 Timothy 2: 9, 10
6. He compares her to a garden just for him to enjoy.
7. Not just a garden, but a fountain which continues to bring fresh joy day after day.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Sermon from July 6

Summer Poetry Series

Song of Songs 3: 1 - 11

1. We will sacrifice our comfort and even compromise our safety for love and relationships.
2. God knows this. The first conflict in the Bible is the aloneness of man. Genesis 2:18
3. We are again reminded that sex is a gift for married couples and is not to be experienced outside of God’s design.
4 Pageantry is a reminder that there is something larger than ourselves.
5. We should dress up and make a big deal out of our wedding day -- it shows how special we are and how special family and marriage are.
6. A wedding ceremony also reminds us that one day Jesus will return for us.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Sermon from June 29

Summer Poetry Series

Song of Songs 2: 1 - 15

1. She considered herself ordinary, but he assures her she is extraordinary.
2. He is not ashamed of her. She is under his protection and she feels his love for her.
3. Where Proverbs advises young men to keep themselves pure, Song of Songs gives young women the same advice.
4. This chapter celebrates love in its proper time and place. Discipline is prolonging gratification so that it will be even better.
5. Her modesty is one of the things that makes her attractive.
6. The foxes may represent small issues that can harm a marriage. Don’t let them accumulate.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sermon from June 22

Summer Poetry Series

Song of Songs: Chapter One

1. Sex and romance were invented by God. Romance is a gift from God, but like all things, it must be handled God's way.
2. Since the church is the bride of Christ, this book helps us see how much Jesus loves us.
3. Love is the most delightful thing we can experience.
4. The bride is dark because she was working class. Love is for all people.
5. The bride wants her husband's full attention and wants to trust him.
6. The husband cherishes his wife as a thing of beauty.
7. A house that God builds is strong and sturdy among a land of tents.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Sermon from June 15

God's Plan for the Family

Ephesians 5: 22 - 6:4

1. In life's dance, someone has to lead. God's order calls for the husband to lead. This protects and cherishes the wife.
2. The husband sets the spiritual thermostat in the home.
3. Paul tells husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church.
4. Children are commanded to obey their parents. We show God honor by honoring our parents.
5. We cannot ask God to bless us if we do not obey and honor our parents.
6. Parents should encourage their children and teach them about God.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sermon from June 8

Living Free of Fear

Psalm 91: 1 - 16

1. God’s protection is conditional: we must dwell in the shelter of the Most High. This means we live and breathe to please and obey God.
2. When we trust in God we do not have to live in fear.
3. Worry is a sin because it means we do not believe God’s Word.
4. This chapter promises a long life. Jesus promises eternal life.
5. Nothing is a disaster if it is the will of God.
6. Satan quoted this Psalm to Jesus. We do not have the right to jump off the temple and ask God to save us.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Sermon from June 1

Your Soul for Stew

Genesis 25: 19 - 34

1. Jacob became the father of the twelve tribes, including Joseph and Judah. Esau became the father of the Edomites.
2. Jacob was the child of the promise, even though he was born second. Romans 9:13 (Malachi 1: 2, 3)
3. The first problem we see in their home is parents showing favoritism. Jacob also showed favoritism and caused Joseph to be sold as a slave because of it.
4. The first-born was gifted with twice the inheritance as the other children. This was a spiritual blessing and Esau held it in contempt.
5. How sad to give up long term blessing for short term pleasure.
6. The definition of self-discipline is delaying gratification. Hebrews 12: 16, 17; Galatians 5:23

Monday, May 26, 2008

Sermon from May 25

Memorial Day 2008

John 15: 1 - 17

1. Jesus set the standard for true love. The greatest love you can show someone is to die for him.
2. Some people are martyred for the faith -- or their country. Some people are living sacrifices, who devote their lives to obeying God and loving one another.
3. The secret to loving each other is staying connected to the vine.
4. We do this by constant praying, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers.
5. When we obey God we will live productive, purposeful lives.
6. This doesn't mean we will suffer no trials. In fact, God prunes those who are productive.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sermon from May 18

Jesus Calms a Storm

Luke 8: 22 - 25

1. This is another example that Jesus is Lord of all things, including nature.
2. He warned us that natural disasters would happen. They stand as a warning that we better be ready. Luke 21:10, 11; Luke 13: 4, 5
3. Our faith isn't just about soothing our feelings; our God can actually make the impossible happen.
4. The text says the disciples were in danger, but Jesus kept sleeping. He knew the outcome. Our outcome is heaven, no matter what happens. Luke 12:4
5. This doesn't mean we shouldn't take care of ourselves. Our bodies were purchased and don't belong to us. 1 Corinthians 6: 19, 20
6. Sometimes Jesus chooses to calm the storm; sometimes he calms the child instead. Acts 27: 23 - 26

Monday, May 12, 2008

Sermon from May 11

Pentecost 2008

Acts 2: 14 - 24

1. Peter had been an unstable leader of the disciples. Now he is confident and preaches the sermon that sets Christianity in motion.

2. His sermon uses scripture to show that Jesus is the Christ. He doesn't tell cute stories, he explains hat the Bible shows that salvation is available to everyone. Joel 2:32, Romans 10:13

3. This sermon and every sermon should remind us that Jesus died and rose from the dead.

4. Peter explains that God's Spirit is available to everyone; men and women, Jew and Gentile, slave or free.

5. Mothers, the best gift you can give your children is to love God with all of your heart, soul and mind.

6. We do not have to believe in God without seeing a miracle. (I believe the Bible itself is a miracle and so is all of creation. Paul alludes to this in Romans 1:19. Einstein says we can look at life one of two ways: that nothing is a miracle or that everything is...)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Sermon from May 4

So That You May Know

1 John 5: 1 - 13

1. To believe n Jesus doesn't mean have head knowledge, it means we place our trust in him for life and salvation. James 2:19

2. I prove that I love God by the way I treat you. And I prove that I love God by obeying him. John 14:15

3. By the Spirit's help we can obey God because of the great power we have within us. And that great power is enabled by our faith.

4. Jesus not only came to earth in the flesh, he completed the new covenant by shedding his blood. The life, death and resurrection of Jesus proves that he is the way to the father.

5. When we place our trust in Jesus, we immediately possess eternal life. John 3:16

6. John's purpose for writing this letter is to assure us that we possess eternal life.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Sermon from April 27

Test the Spirits

1 John 4: 1 - 13

1. To "test the spirit" means to give teaching an acid test, just like a metal-worker does to make sure gold or silver is pure.
2. The acid test is: what does the teaching say about Jesus. (The Gnostics were teaching that Jesus did not have a physical body.)
3. Any teaching that says we can get to heaven any way other than faith in Jesus is false. John 14:6
(This is the Jesus we find in the Gospel accounts.)
4. God gives us the faith to accept the grace of salvation. Ephesians 2: 8, 9
5. The proof that we belong to Christ is our love for one another.
6. The standard for love was set by Jesus. We willingly sacrifice for each other. We want what’s best for each other.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Sermon from April 20

The Love God has Lavished on Us

1 John 3: 1 - 24

1. This is a chapter of contrasts. Between love and hatred, good and evil, life and death, and God and the world.
2. If we are God’s children, we will have a love for other Christians, but we will be in conflict with those who belong to the world.
3. Cain belonged to the world and murdered his brother who belonged to God. John says we are murderers if we hate each other. Matthew 5:21, 22
4. Hatred means more than disliking someone, it means you wish him harm. You continue to hold a grudge and are unwilling to forgive.
5. Love is not a fond feeling. It means we take action, have pity, and stand up for the truth.
6. Our reward for being God’s children is that he provides for all of our needs.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Sermon from April 13

As Far as The East is From the West

1 John 2: 12 - 20

1. Our sins are not forgiven because we have become good people. The only reason our sins are forgiven is because we accepted Jesus' gift of salvation.
2. This is important because it keeps us from walking in guilt.
3. One of ­­­­­­­­Satan's favorite weapons is guilt. He will make sure we remember every thing wrong we’ve ever done. He’ll even lie to us about things we could not help.
4. Satan will whisper in our ears that we are not good enough. It’s okay to want to become a better person, but it’s not okay to live in a guilt trip.
5. God does not undo the consequences of sin, but he forgives us and allows us to enter into his presence as if we had never sinned.
Psalm 103:12, Romans 8:1

I fear many Christians walk around feeling guilty. Guilty because they are not good enough or because of the past. I tried to explain that the Holy Spirit convicts us, but that is different than laying a guilt trip on us. Conviction is about the present and future, much like discipline. Guilt is about the past, much like punishment. Guilt is a terrible motivator because feeling guilty makes us want to give up. When 1 John 1:9 says God is faithful and just to forgive us, we need to believe that. We are forgiven when we accept Christ. We are declared not guilty.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Sermon from April 6

Jesus, The Atoning Sacrifice

1 John 1: 8 - 2: 14

Remember, John is refuting Gnosticism which taught that because the body is evil and we can’t help it, it doesn’t matter how we act.

1. Some people believe that 1 John 1:9 teaches that we must ask for forgiveness for every sin or we will not be forgiven for it.
2. This would mean if we died suddenly, with unforgiven sins in our lives, we would go to hell.
3. There is no way any of us could remember to ask forgiveness for every single sin.
4. In truth, we have an advocate -- a defender -- with the Father. This means Jesus stands beside us and tells the Father that we are no longer guilty. (2:1)
5. The reason we are not guilty is because Jesus is our atoning sacrifice. This means he cleanses us and satisfies God’s anger toward us. (2:2)
6. When Jesus died for our sins, he paid for all of them, past, present and future. Hebrews 10:10, Romans 8:1
7. We know we belong to God if we obey him and walk like Jesus. John 14:15

Monday, March 31, 2008

Sermon from March 30

Walking In the Light

1 John 1: 1 – 10

1. John, the apostle, emphasizes that he saw Jesus with his own eyes, heard him with is own ears, and touched him with his own hands.
2. Jesus was not just a spirit, he was flesh and blood, like us.
3. If we will believe John’s testimony, we too can experience eternal life in Christ.
4. The way we act proves whether or not we belong to Christ.
5. Light represents truth and goodness.
6. If we belong to God we will enjoy the fellowship of other Christians.
7. The only way to be forgiven is to admit we are sinners.

John had to keep Gnosticism from creeping into the church. The Gnostics believed that all flesh is corrupt, so Jesus had to have been only spirit. Because of their beliefs, they believed that it didn't matter how we acted in "the body". John shows that this is not true. Jesus was flesh and blood, yet without sin -- and it matters how we walk. We are sinners, but Christ offers forgiveness.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Sermon From March 23

Paradise Regained
Easter 2008

Ephesians 2: 1 - 10

1. When we chose sin we lost paradise and became objects of God's wrath. The penalty for that wrath is death. Romans 6:23
2. Jesus' death satisfied God's wrath.
3. When we believe in Jesus and place our trust in him, we receive the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. In other words, we will be resurrected from the dead.
4. Death is separation from God and I will never again be separated from God.
5. This doesn't mean we won't have trials, but it means we live our lives knowing we are alive forever in paradise.
6. God has work for us to do. We are not puppets or pets, we are participants in his Kingdom.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Sermon from March 16

The Messiah and King
Palm Sunday 08

Matthew 21: 1 - 17

1. (review) God has provided a way to return to paradise for those who trust him. The price is going to be high, but God has provided a substitute sacrifice. Only those who have faith will enter.
2. Jesus entered Jerusalem as our King and Messiah. A King with the power to bring us into heaven, and a Messiah who paid the price with his own blood.
3. The way back to paradise is not through religion; it is through a relationship with God himself. (Jesus was angry toward the religious leaders of the day because they were pious, but their hearts were far from God...)
4. Being religious will never be enough to get us back to paradise.
5. The only way back is by being born again. John 3:3
6. Our church must always be called a house of prayer.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Sermon from March 9

Third Redemption
God Will Provide a Rest

Exodus 12: 31 - 42

1. One of the most important events in the History of Israel was when God set them free from Slavery.
2. This symbolizes that God will use supernatural means to set us free from slavery to sin. John 8: 34 - 36 (The Israelites were not enslaved because they were sinful, but Jesus says we are a slave to sin if we commit sin...)
3. The enemies of God will face his wrath.
4. There is another warning attached to this story: Almost every adult Israelite died in the desert because of his unbelief. Numbers 14:29
5. There is a desert of testing between when we are set free and when we arrive in paradise. Do not abandon your faith or harden your heart toward God. Hebrews 3: 12 - 15
6. Jesus died to set everyone free, but only those who put their trust in him will enter his rest. Hebrews 3: 16 - 19

One of the points I am making here is that we are not taken directly to heaven (paradise) when we accept Christ and become Christians. We have a life to live here on earth first. I believe true salvation is secure in Christ, but many prove that their trust in Christ is not authentic because they do not stick with it when it gets tough. The testing we go through as Christians is not to make us fail, but to show us and others that our faith is real.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Sermon from March 2

Second Redemption
God will Provide a Substitute Sacrifice

Genesis 22: 1 - 19

1. Our return to paradise is going to be costly.
2. The price must be paid in blood. Hebrews 9:22
Bloodshed means a life is given. Romans 6:23
3. This story shows that we must put God first in our lives, even above the gifts he has given us. Exodus 20:3
4. We must have faith to satisfy God, even if it doesn't make sense to us. Hebrews 11: 17 - 19.
5. The good news is that God has provided a worthy sacrifice who shed his blood so that we return to paradise. Hebrews 10:14
6. Our part of the covenant is to believe and obey.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Sermon from February 24

The First Redemption
God Will Provide a Way for Salvation

1 Peter 3: 17 - 22

1. The story of Noah shows us that God will punish the disobedient. Genesis 6: 6 – 8
2. Remember, God loves us and created us for paradise. But paradise requires holiness and only the perfect may live there. Jude 24
3. This story also shows that God will save those who put their trust in him.
John 6: 28, 29, Hebrews 11: 7
4. God is Holy, but extends his mercy to the righteous, and that comes by placing our faith in him.
5. The water is symbolic of baptism. Noah was saved in the water, we are saved by making a pledge to God. A pledge to accept the gift of salvation because of the resurrection of Christ.

Notes: There was no February 17th sermon because my wife, Jodi, had another seizure on Saturday. She's okay, but we weren't able to go to church.

I'm preaching a series about how and why we lost Paradise and how the Bible teaches we can regain it. This series will conclude on Easter Sunday.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sermon from February 10

Paradise Lost

Genesis 3: 8 - 24

1. You were created to live in paradise. God loves you and wants you to be completely happy.
2. If God hadn’t given us the choice to sin, we would be his puppets, or pets.
3. Love is only real if it is given freely. God had to give us the choice so our love would be real.
4. The price we pay is living in a cursed world.
5. But we can regain paradise by humbling ourselves and, by faith, accepting God’s grace. Ephesians 2: 8, 9
6. The Bible shows us how to get back to the Garden. Revelation 22:2 - 3

Monday, February 4, 2008

Sermon from February 3, 08

Many Parts, One Body

Romans 12: 1 - 8

a. There are many of us, and we are all different, but we form one body.
b. Not all body parts are the same, but each one has a purpose.
c. God has given each of us gifts to use in building the Kingdom.
1. Prophesying is basically preaching.
2. Service. Jesus said the greatest of all is a servant of all. Matthew 20:26
3. Teaching. James said not everyone should teach. James 3:1
4. Encouraging. Our words should always edify one another. Ephesians 4:29
5. Contributing. God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
6. Leadership. We should lead by example. Philippians 3:17
7. Showing mercy. Be a “good Samaritan”. Luke 10: 30 – 37

Monday, January 28, 2008

Sermon from January 27

The Keys to the Kingdom

Matthew 16: 13 - 28

1. God has chosen to need us.
2. He has given us the keys to the kingdom. He did this for us – to give us a purpose. Otherwise, we would not be participants in the Kingdom, but merely spectators. 1Corinthians 1: 26, 27
3. It is a privilege and gift to be used of God. God even uses us before we reach perfection.
4. Jesus said we must deny ourselves to follow him.
5. Because God chose to use us, we have a tremendous responsibility to spread the Word.
6. Ministry, evangelism and encouragement will flow through the church.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Sermon from January 20

The King of Glory

Psalm 24

1. It changes our attitudes when we realize that everything belongs to God. We are only visitors here, living at his mercy.
2. Once again, The Bible is clear that God is the creator of the universe. Genesis 1:1
3. Entering God’s presence is a privilege. Jesus said the pure in heart will see God. Matthew 5: 8
4. Clean hands means we are righteous. The only way to be righteous is by trading our lives for Christ’s. Galatians 2:20
5. Worship God alone and believe his Word.
6. David is telling the Gates of the city to open because a King is coming in. This is a picture of Christ entering his kingdom.
7. God is a victorious King who destroys his enemies and all injustice.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Sermon from January 4

Abram and Lot
(Don't Pitch Your Tents Near Sodom)

Genesis 13

1. It became practical for Abram and Lot to part company. Abram let Lot choose where he wanted to live.
2. Lot chose what looked like the best place. It looked like the Garden of Eden.
3. Abram made his spot more blessed because he worshipped God as soon as he arrived.
4. We see selfishness in Lot's character. Why didn't he give Abram the best spot?
5. Lot pitched his tents near Sodom. Chapter 19 begins with Lot sitting in the gateway of the city -- and we learn he lived in a house inside the city.
6. Lot's choices looked best to him, but cost him his family.
7. We must choose between friendship with God and friendship with the world. 1 John 2: 15 - 17

Friday, January 11, 2008

Sermon from January 6

Pressing On in 2008

Philippians 3: 7 - 16

1. In this new year, I encourage us to forget and to remember.
2. Forget our mistakes and shortcomings from the past.
3. Remember God’s faithfulness in the past.
4. Remember God’s promises for our future
5. Press forward toward perfection and don’t give up. God measures our success by our faithfulness.
6. Live up to the maturity you have attained and don’t slide backward.