Monday, April 21, 2008

Sermon from April 20

The Love God has Lavished on Us

1 John 3: 1 - 24

1. This is a chapter of contrasts. Between love and hatred, good and evil, life and death, and God and the world.
2. If we are God’s children, we will have a love for other Christians, but we will be in conflict with those who belong to the world.
3. Cain belonged to the world and murdered his brother who belonged to God. John says we are murderers if we hate each other. Matthew 5:21, 22
4. Hatred means more than disliking someone, it means you wish him harm. You continue to hold a grudge and are unwilling to forgive.
5. Love is not a fond feeling. It means we take action, have pity, and stand up for the truth.
6. Our reward for being God’s children is that he provides for all of our needs.

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