Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sermon from January 25

Faith and Action

James 2: 14 - 26

1. A true faith will conform our hearts to be more like Christ’s, transform our minds to God’s thoughts, and form our actions into obedience to God.
2. Faith is not just a mental assent. It is more than knowledge. If your faith doesn’t cause you to cry out to God for salvation, you cannot be saved. (vs. 19)
3. Actions cannot save anyone, but actions prove your faith is real. It is the faith that saves you and that justifies you. Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 3:28
4. Romans 4:3 and Genesis 15:6 say Abraham was credited as righteous because of his belief. James’ point is that Abraham’s actions proved that he had faith.
5. Do your actions prove that you have faith?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sermon from January 18

Showing Favoritism Toward the Rich

James 2: 1 - 13

1. We are not acting like Christ if we are more friendly to people who appear to be successful.
2. As Christians, we should see people like God sees them: unique; in need of love; dearly loved by God; and made in His image.
3. If we do not have compassion for the poor, our religion is unacceptable to God. James 1: 27
4. James points out that it is often the rich who reject Christ, exploit us, and drag us into to court for some infraction.
5. When we provide food for a poor person, Jesus said we are giving it directly to Him. Matthew 25: 34 – 46
6. Prejudice is a sin.
7. If we show no mercy, no mercy will be shown us.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sermon from January 11

Temptations and True Religion

James 1: 13 - 27

1. God desires that we become more like Christ. He doesn’t promote anything outside of that.
2. A temptation is a desire to do something that misses the mark of God’s perfection. Sin always leads to death. Romans 6:23
3. God leads us to light and life, temptations lead us to sin and death.
4. Angry behavior, moral filth, and evil are given as examples of sin. God desires self-control.
5. Hearing God’s Word does us no good if we do not put it into practice. We should also study it carefully. Matthew 7:24
6. True faith and religion always lead to action

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sermon from January 4

Maturing in Our Faith in 09

James 1: 1 - 12

1. Do you feel closer to God – or farther away – than you did at this time last year?
2. The only path to maturity is through trials.
3. God loves you too much to let you stay where you are.
4. As we mature, we learn to trust God’s plans no matter how difficult they seem.
5. When we doubt, we block God’s desire to make us more mature.
6. The world sees success as having wealth, but God knows that wealth is fleeting.
7. Know that trials are only a test to prove to us that we belong to God, and push us toward maturity.